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PHIL davies author
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PHIL davies author
Combatting Fear
Registered ISBN Number: 978-0-9562673-3-7
Reviews, Comments & Endorsements... Potential readers always find it useful to see what those who have already read the book have to say about it. Here is a small selection of what our readers are saying about Combatting Fear. We’d love to have your feedback too, so when you’ve read the book, please email us at reviews@phildaviesauthor.com
Eve Trevorrow: I loved Combatting Fear. It’s a book that takes a sledgehammer to a subject that blights many lives and positively smashes fear to smithereens! It really couldn’t be a more timely or more useful and effective tool for the present time and, for the time to come too. Its central message is that fear needs to be fought and the book’s imagery, which is incredibly powerful, as are the personal testimonies, add tremendous value to the well-crafted narrative. Combatting Fear was a heaven-sent gift for me and, by buying multiple copies, I intend making it a heaven-sent gift for others too! A must read, that I highly recommend!!
John Cox: Capturing and articulating perfectly what many people have sensed throughout the coronavirus crisis, Combatting Fear looks at the news, into it, and sees far beyond it, to something that just doesn’t add up. Through his personal history and the prism of his own life, Phil draws the reader into a dimension that sees beyond what the world, the flesh and the Devil would have you believe. He helps you move away from fear with a knowledge of God and His saving grace in Jesus Christ, and shows you what or who is missing, and helped clarify, for me personally, what’s really going on when I find myself – as I often do – asking: “is this the real picture?” I found the comparison Phil makes between the reaction to cancer and Covid-19 quite fascinating, and while we have never been bombarded with facts and figures about cancer in the way we’ve been bombarded by statistics concerning Covid-19, it caused me to reflect that cancer will be with us long after Covid-19 has gone. Interesting? It is the Word and promises of God that lie at the very heart of Combatting Fear, and page 31 is the heart of the heart… life-changing words that we can all make our own. It is the genius of this gem of a book! The promises of God are for all who will take them, and while there will no doubt be many words written about these strange days that we are witnessing, Combatting Fear is written in the heat of battle for victory in the battle. Every battle! Thank you, Phil!!C
Rev. Richard Harrison: Combatting Fear was written as the lock-down blanket fell over a confused and frightened world. It started as a book of immediacy; a literary response to a heart cry of need. The end result is a stirring appeal to all, especially those who are wilting under pressure. We found it helpful and intriguing, and immediately wanted to place it in the hands of our lifelong friends and relatives. Buy it for yourself. It will send a tingle down your spine and produce thanksgiving to Jesus, our Lord.
Carol Bartlett: For the past 5 years, I have been suffering from agoraphobia – fear of open spaces/fear of going outside. It’s been very difficult to deal with and at times has brought on a sense of deep depression. I have gotten through it by trusting God, praying that He will heal me, and send help. He has… in the form of Combatting Fear. Easy to read and even easier to digest, the book was a literal Godsend for me!! Incredibly informative, beautifully illustrated, and interesting to the point of being totally fascinating, the book has helped me more than I could ever explain and put into words. I honestly couldn’t exaggerate what this means to me or overstate how highly I would recommend it. Thank you for writing it, Phil!
Margaret Roberts: Fear can strike at the heart of us all from time to time and people around us are quick to say, meaning well of course: “Don’t worry; just trust the Lord”. So, it’s very refreshing to find someone who actually tells you how to put that sentiment into action and do just that. With a strong foundation of statistics, Phil illustrates the fact that a tsunami of fear has swept over our nation and he goes on to reveal fear as Satan’s number one strategy, designed to hold us back from being all that God has planned us to be. From the Bible, he outlines God’s own strategy to combat fear, giving us the tools we need to move from fear to faith. Combatting Fear is really excellent, liberally sprinkled with Phil’s own powerful testimonies which show in very practical terms that God’s Word works. It is indeed a book for ‘such a time as this’. I highly recommend it and can say from personal experience that it really does what it says on the tin! Brilliant!!
Jessica Sutton: During the Coronavirus lockdown period I decided to read and get into Combatting Fear. I am so thankful I did!! It’s a book that speaks to you on so many different levels, and after getting sick of reading/seeing the incessantly negative news in the media, it came as the perfect antidote. It’s like Phil says in the book, "fear sells", and I am so glad that I now have a different perspective to the one pushed so fervently by today's media and that I no longer feel the need to worry or panic over current affairs! Fear is everywhere and it is not something that God wants for my life, or anyone else's... so I have decided to put my trust in God, not in this unsteady world! Combatting Fear is amazing, easy to read and filled with great stats/facts/testimonies etc I honestly couldn’t recommend more highly!!
Tim Day (USA): Combatting Fear is packed with Godly wisdom. It seems the best way to truly understand faith, is to take a hard look at the enemy’s counterfeit. As Phil points out, fear is the opposite of faith. He exposes how in so many ways, the devil subtly uses fear to hinder and paralyze us in our Christian walk. A must-read for all followers of Christ who desire to walk in faith and break free from the deceptive tactics of the ‘prince of the power of the air’.
Celia Bissett: What an amazing and truly wonderful book – Combatting Fear. I love to exclaim and proclaim God’s Word, so Phil’s brilliantly explained strategy for countering fear landed very well with me, and taking up the sword, I can honestly say that the Word was active and alive in a new way. It felt like it had a more clearly defined target to go to work on! I recently met a friend who was very afraid at this time and was led to gift her a copy, knowing it would encourage her. It did, opening her eyes as it did mine!
Gill Williams: During such difficult and testing times Combatting Fear is truly for such a time as this! Not only was it enlightening and a great help, it was also a thoroughly enjoyable read! Fear is definitely more contagious than any virus and leaves behind a worse legacy. Phil brings a dose of much-needed balance and encouragement to a subject that really couldn’t be more relevant.
Betty Clark: Without question, this beautifully presented book is the best I've ever read on the subject of fear! After reading it, I ordered 20 copies, so keen was I to put it into the hands of my many friends! We all welcome and need this timely reminder of how to act and react in the face of the viral pandemic of fear. I honestly couldn’t be more impressed with Combatting Fear and I thought the way that Phil shared his own testimonies, and stitched them into the narrative, added a special something that was both encouraging and highly illuminating. No fear here!!
Jody Barnes: Speaking as someone who doesn’t read much, I can honestly say that this fascinating and gripping book had no problem holding my attention! Recent times, Covid-19, and being surrounded by 24/7 negative news, has shown just how contagious fear can be. It has to be countered and needs to be put into perspective and Combatting Fear does just that, gives you perspective and even more, gives you a strategy for fighting back at a time when we need faith and positivity more than ever! What an awesome read!!
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