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PHIL davies author
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PHIL davies author
THe rapture of the church
Registered ISBN Number: 978-0-9161778-1-9
Reviews, Comments & Endorsements... Potential readers always find it useful to see what those who have already read the book have to say about it. Here is a small selection of what our readers are saying about The Raptureof the Church. We’d love to have your feedback too, so when you’ve read the book, please email us at reviews@phildaviesauthor.com
Gordon Leveratt: I can scarcely endorse The Rapture of the Church too highly. As someone who came to Christ quite late in life as a serving Captain in the Royal Navy and then resigned my commission in 1988 to do the work of an evangelist I thought a good starting point would be to attend a Pentecostal Bible College and do a Divinity Degree. Not only was there a complete lack of teaching concerning the Rapture, the Second Coming of Christ and Things to Come in general but seemingly a lack of interest even ignorance in these core Christian beliefs. Since that time I have heard many preachers in a good many churches but very few indeed share, let alone proclaim, our Blessed Hope. In consequence, I believe that most Christians today, regardless of their denominational persuasion, remain largely ignorant of these crucial events. It's a tragedy. The Rapture of the Church is a powerful evangelistic tool that is not only well researched and beautifully illustrated, it even more importantly, offers the reader the chance to put aside ignorance and misunderstandings, and grasp again the solemn promise that Jesus made to His disciples (and to us) that He would return. This message, and this book, must be shared to believers and unbelievers alike. I am extremely grateful to Phil for writing it!
Lis Round: As soon as I received my copy of The Rapture of the Church I dived straight in!! I loved the book’s unique format, and excuse the pun, but it was a revelation from first page to last! The way Phil backs up every thought with Scripture is amazing. I’ve heard many argue over the years that there are not many Bible verses that speak into the end times, but this book is conclusive proof that nothing could be further from the truth! I shall continue to watch with increasing interest how His-story is aligning with the Bible in God's greatest plan and will be counting down the days to the release of Book 2 of the End Times in Focus series, The 7-Year Tribulation.
Jackie Perrott: The Rapture of the Church is a wake-up call for all Christians!! We know that Christ is to return and from the way our world is imploding into anarchy and chaos, it looks as if it’s going to be sooner rather than later! We are near to the end now, that much is obvious, and Phil does a masterful job of explaining what the Bible says is about to happen, and by the way he brilliantly links it to current events and recent history. Superb from start to finish!
Suzanne Kitto: I have literally just finished the last page of The Rapture of The Church and my feedback is that I completely agree with Phil’s final words... I can honestly say I am totally convinced of the truth and veracity of the statement: "The Rapture is not a fairy tale, meant to make us feel better; it is an actual Biblically prophesied global event that in God’s timing, is set to happen at a given point in our near future." That is the conclusion I have come to!! I honestly cannot wait to be raptured out of here and finally see our Saviour and Lord face to face! What a wonderful day that is going to be!! In the meantime, I excitedly await the release of the other 3 books in the End Times in Focus series!!
Veronica Down: Wow, what can I say? What an amazing book, packed with more information than I could have ever imagined! Thanks, Phil, for writing The Rapture of the Church and for researching everything so thoroughly. Our wonderful Lord and Saviour is coming soon and we will see Him face to face!!
Kelvin Jones: I must admit to finding Phil’s pre-Trib argument utterly compelling! I especially enjoyed the sections about the Great Falling Away and the Lifting of the Restrainer and found them intriguing and equally convincing. Ultimately, I found The Rapture of the Church strangely comforting, but those who have rejected Christ would I imagine, likely find it somewhere in the range of wake-up call to out-and-out alarming!! This is a timely and much-needed resource that given the lateness of the hour, will I hope, galvanise born-again believers into increased prayer and evangelism. Yes, totally fascinating; a book that genuinely deserves the accolade 'unmissable must-read!!'
Pam Taylor: Big congratulations on your outstanding book on the Rapture, Phil. Though I've read many different explanations on this subject over the years, yours is presented in such a way that even the scoffers and unbelievers can have no doubts that this is Bible Truth. The book is beautifully presented and the timeline (on pages 12 and 13) which explained so much, was nothing less than amazing!! You pile evidence upon evidence and you obviously spent huge amounts of time researching each and every point. Thank you so much for doing such a great job for God.
Bill Oliver: Phil, I stand in awe of you!! You have produced a genuine masterpiece with The Rapture of the Church. The tremendous research you’ve undertaken coupled with your adherence to Scripture throughout, is hugely impressive! I hope this book will go far and wide so that Christians everywhere can feel assured of their eternal future and look forward to the moment when Jesus returns for His Church. You write like a modern-day John Wycliffe and I believe that this book will be a blessing and encouragement to all who study it.
Cynthia Evans: The Rapture of the Church is as enlighteningly wonderful as it is faith-building. God has a plan... indeed!! After reading it, I bought several copies so that I could give them to friends and family. The reaction of one family member was exactly the same as mine - wow!! Big thanks to Phil for blessing me, for blessing us, with this marvellous book! What a read! Life changing from first page to last!!
Alison Hazlewood: I was given a copy of The Rapture of the Church by afriend and once I started reading it - apart from not beingable to put it down - I realised the truth of what I was reading. I have always been interested in eschatology, and this book helped things become so much clearer, to a point where reading this book was a lightbulb moment! I was so inspired, changed even, with a burning desire to get the good news of Jesus to all my family and friends. I agree with Phil Davies, the author, we are in the very end times and I’ve been telling everyone that they too, must read this outstanding book!
Elim's Direction magazine: Our Book-of-the-Month is The Rapture of the Church. The first in a 4-bookseries, The Rapture of the Church opens with a bolddeclaration: “The Rapture is not a fairy tale, meant to make us feel better; itis an actual Biblically prophesied global event that in God’s timing, is set to happen at a given point in our near future.” Superbly illustrated and uniquely presented, gifted author, Phil Davies, showcases his compelling evidence-based case for the reality of the Rapture, contending that all true believers, whether dead or alive at the time of Christ’s coming, will ‘be caught up together… in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air’ - 1 Thess 4:17. This stunning book will inspire you with hope, build your faith, and most of all, ensure that you are not left behind! As our chaotic and broken world hurtles headlong into unchartered waters, the time has come for you to explore the evidence and decide for yourself.
Pastor Rita Bota (New Zealand): The Rapture of the Church reallycouldn’t be clearer and more succinct! Its message needs to be heeded, and we can no longer argue that we have not been warned. It’s truly an amazing book that brings much that is hidden in darkness out into the light; a book for such a time as this! Phil has done his research thoroughly, linking current events toBiblical prophecies made thousands of years ago, cleverly using graphic illustrations and striking photos to help us see very clearly, the timeline and direction of travel for these events. If we are wise, we will do as the Bible tells us over and over again in the New Testament - Watch! Be Alert! to what is really going on around us in the world. The Rapture of the Church has inspired me in all sorts of different ways, including prompting meto preach a three-part series on the Book of Revelation. It’s an excellent read that will wake you up, and shake you up too!!
Christine Darg, Founder, The Jerusalem Channel: I'm so grateful for the boldlife and ministry of Phil Davies who is not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus our Messiah, and part of that glorious Gospel is the good news of our Blessed Hope, the Rapture of the Church! Oddly enough, the closer we come to the time of the Rapture with all the signs that Jesus Himself and the Apostle Paul gave us in great manifestation, many in the Churches who previously upheld this biblical doctrine no longer believe in the pre-tribulation Rapture--and many professing believers even mock! Jesus's appearing in the clouds is imminent, and therefore Phil has given us this outstanding tool not only for our personal edification, but also for friends and relatives who may be left behind. The book's coffee table format is very inviting and eye-catching. Illustrations are dynamic and most important of all, the text is true to the whole counsel of God. Phil is especially gifted in explaining eschatology, the study of the End Times, and has answered many questions in this book that the reader may be pondering.
Miriam Getsel (Australia): I massively enjoyed reading The Rapture of the Church and all who read it, can't fail to gain knowledge and accountability to our wonderful Saviour and God! We will be going home and I for one, am waiting for that very loud trumpet sound! Oh my - how positively glorious!! It’s time to get ready - no mucking around - eyes on eternity and the taking up/snatching away - Aliyah! Phil's wonderful gift for writing and superb creative design skills is a irresistible combination!
Pearl A. Chapman: I am so glad the Lord brought this vital and masterful book to my attention for His Purposes. The Church does not go through the tribulation, full stop, and we all need to be ready, alert, and correctly informed. I may be earthbound, but now in my 90th year, I ampreparing for one future… my exit to Glory and to meeting my King Jesus, my Saviour. The Lord has used this incredible and masterful tome on the Rapture to make it my business to be prepared and active in His service before He arrives. Phil Davies is a gifted author who uses his legal training to tell the truth without terrifying people. His expressions and explanations are not thrust down one's throat as it were but are given without any condemnation to the reader. It’s quite extraordinary really but this book, and its remarkable presentation, has helped me to interpret the Word of God - with which I was not unfamiliar - so that all confusion about this event has been cleared up once and for all!
Ian Whitwood: Phil makes a highly convincing case for the Rapture, for its place in Scripture, and for its relevance and significance to all believers for such a time as this. He rightly declares at the outset, that the Rapture is a much-neglected event and describes it as the 'great news' of the Gospel! Presented with stunning illustrations and diagrams, it is a detailed and thoroughly researched explanation that is written in plain English. Without question, it is a 'must read' for every born-again believer and arguably, an even more vital read for those who have not yet accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour!
Rev Richard Harrison: Reading The Rapture of the Church, I was reminded of the time when God wanted the Tabernacle to be built. Exodus 36:1 - “The Lord has gifted Bezalel, Oholiab and the other skilled craftsmen with wisdom and ability to perform any task involved in building the sanctuary.....So Moses summoned Bezalel and Oholiab and all the others who were specially gifted by the Lord and were eager to get to work”. Phil Davies is gifted by the Lord to express himself with great clarity in language which can be readily understood. He has a high regard for the Scriptures and takes God at His Word. He is courageous enough to grapple with the Bible’s teaching as it presents itself. He is not unaware of the points of view of others. It is, however, refreshing to have a trained mind faithfully dealing with subject matter which is so relevant at this present time in the history of the world. The fact it is so beautifully illustrated is an added incentive to the inquiring mind.
Lawrie Davies: I absolutely loved The Rapture of the Church! DespiteRevelation being complex and relatively hard to understand, this book outlines and explains everything in such a clear and concise way whilst unpicking key scriptures (without turning everything into a thesis) that have been pointing the way the Jesus’ second coming all along. The Israel connection is totally captivating and now, in light of recent events, its central importance to the eventual conclusion of this age is undeniable. We are literally seeing Biblical prophecy unfold before our very eyes, and if anyone can’t see that after reading this fantastic book, it’s probably because they’ve already decided they don’t want to see it… no matter the evidence put before them! I’m already looking forward to purchasing the rest of the series!!
Eve Trevorrow: This book is a real masterpiece that brings to life the reality of the Rapture - the graphics vividly draw you to the script. The subject of the Rapture is spoken of quite often in some circles, but I’ve never seen it unfolded in this detail. A great gift for Christians, for those who are searching, and for those who may one day be searching. I am so grateful to Phil for writing it.
Professor John Wibberley: I read The Rapture of the Church carefully and excitedly, and greatly appreciated the author’s stalwart blend of Biblically well-grounded orthodoxy, careful contemporary reporting, and striking illustrations and images that complemented the clarity of the action-packed writing, which included an addendum in respect of the Oct 7th horrors in southern Israel. Phil has performed a crucial task in drawing attention to the often-neglected but extensively interwoven Biblical teachings regarding the end times and God’s future calendar. With more and more Christians (and non-believers too) asking: ‘What is the meaning of contemporary events and decadent trendsworldwide?’ this book couldn’t be more timely. Fully referenced fromOT & NT sources, it is historically and geopolitically well-grounded, and Phil manages to strike the correct balance between potential alarmism and the vital urgency of the material covered, repeatedly challenging the reader to check the Biblical texts for themselves and also, the interpretations he proposes. The Rapture of the Church is the first in a 4-bookseries, written with such Biblical faithfulness that it excites eager anticipation of the forthcoming titles in the series! It is a truly timely and rich exposition of Biblical truths surrounding the Rapture and fills a notable gap in coverage of this vital topic in a way that is both clear and accessible. All believers, especially Church & Mission leaders, should read it to be edified as well as alerted.
Northernboy (on Amazon): By far the best book I've ever read on the Rapture and there's been more than a few over the years! What got me was how the author is not afraid to ask questions and make you answer. He backs virtually everything up with Scripture and he always makes it clear when speculating on something. After laying out the Biblical case in such a gripping and engaging way, the signs of the times section is somehow even better, enlightening, scary, hope-filled, yet down-to-earth and 100% true to life.
Maggie Richards: The Miracle that is Israel is a real gem of a book that I honestly couldn't put down! It's so exciting and informative, it gives you no choice but to keep reading. I read it in one sitting!! I've bought many copies over the years and every single person I've given a copy to, has enjoyed it immensely. This applies to Phil's The Rapture of the Church, which is also really excellent. Yes, everyone loves Phil's books! I believe they are all anointed and I'm so looking forward to the next one - The 7-Year Tribulation. God has surely given Phil this mission!"
Celia & Pam Bissett: The Rapture of the Church is really excellent and the illustrations are truly marvellous! You have taught us so much about our future as Christians! We were deeply disturbed by the 7-10 attack but as you state, it was always a case of when not if. And here we are, a world in chaos. Thank you for helping us understand what it is exactly, that is going on.
Carl Brettle: WhenI heard my dear friend Phil Davies was writing a series of books about the end times, I knew it would be God-ordained, timely, and a really important opportunity for the Church to understand what the Bible says about everyone’s future. This first book of the series – The Rapture of the Church – is, quite simply, brilliant!! Phil has invested months and months of study and looked at all the key details, many of which were a revelation to me. The book is illustrated to a breathtakingly high standard. When I read it, it brought to mind all of the points from my own studies, and a whole lot more besides. I recommend it wholeheartedly and without reservation. Every Christian and every Church should know what will happen to the whole Earth in the coming years!
Pastor John Cox: Having become a Christian in the late 1960’s, I must have delivered and listened to over 5000 sermons and messages in my time! Yet I have never heard a single one that deals exclusively with the incredible event of the Rapture. Phil, in his book The Rapture of the Church, holds up before us the Biblical evidence and, as the saying goes, it's all there to see, bringing that which has been ignored by others into clear sight, simply by quoting and exploring the Scriptures! I especially enjoyed the ‘Who will be Raptured?’ section, where Phil superbly articulates the question of salvation and starts by quoting Jesus from John 3, where He is speaking to Nicodemus. It is our first, fundamental step! This book also helps us to realise where we are in God's timing and that the events happening around us are not just random. We are living through Biblical prophecy and, if we have eyes to see, we see it! Read this book and you will never see the TV news programmes the same way again. Indeed, the daily broadcasts will simply underline where we are headed, confirming Scripture in the process! Above all though, this book encourages us to read God's Word. There really can be no greater accolade. What an achievement! Well done, Phil!!
Ken Harrow: Just finished The Rapture of the Church - Wow Phil, what a greatbook!! In my teens one of the few things that kept me in church and reading the Bible, was that it referred to the future - 'Jesus is coming back'. You cover so much and it's all right bang up-to-date. Loved the colour presentation and the vivid format which is so unusual. It really is brilliant and I'll be thoroughly recommending it to all at church. Already looking forward to the release of the other 3 volumes!!
MFTR (on Amazon): Really enjoyed this book and it's helped me understand lots of things that my pastor never seems to want to talk about. It is uniquely presented with some great photos and illustrations that help the author make point after riveting point. I also appreciated that it was written in such an easy-to-understand manner and that it was so thoroughly researched from a Biblically perspective. Unique!!
Pastor John Whittle: The Rapture of the Church is an intrinsic essentialboth for those who belong to Jesus and also, for those who as yet, do not, and I can heartily recommend it to the whosoever!! The Bible warns us to "not treat prophecies with contempt'' (1 Thess 5: 20) so we should all put this principle into practice and remember what the Bible means to us – Believers Instruction Before Leaving Earth. That's how critical the message of The Rapture Of The Church is!! Phil provides mountainsof indisputable evidence, including loads of scriptures, that will convict and convince you of the truth and reality of the Rapture, urging the reader to give the matter their most urgent attention, ensuring that they too, will be rescued from the fierce wrath, anger, and fury of the dreaded Tribulation period. Time is short!
Betty Clark: The Rapture of the Church really couldn’t be more timely! Colourful and attractive, the book’s presentation is eye-catching and genuinely unique. Throughout the Bible - from Genesis to Revelation - there are references, clues, proofs, prophecies, and certainties, that God has revealed about these days in which we live. Phil invites the reader to search these for themselves, using their own discernment, and trusting the Holy Spirit to ‘lead them into all truth’. On Page 80, I felt his relief as he finalised six months of intensive research and study, on October 6th, only to enter, the very next day, into the horror and grief of the tragedy that struck Israel so suddenly and unexpectedly. However, ‘our steps are ordered by the Lord; our times are in His Hands’ and it was providential that those final pages should be included. They add great weight to the reality of the forthcoming Rapture of the Church, when ‘the trumpet shall sound, the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Thus we shall always be with the Lord’. Even so come Lord Jesus.
Michelle Smith: I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Every topic and subject is fully backed up with Scriptures, the narrative flowing so well it’s impossible to put down! It is a very thorough and well-researched book yet, so clear and easy to understand, providing lots of intriguing examples of how current events point to the future and God’s unfolding end-times plan. The photos and illustrations are amazing, and I loved the way Phil poses challenging questions, forcing the reader to deeply reflect on what they’ve read and to think about its significance. The Rapture of the Church is an amazing book, forbelievers and non-believers alike! Highly recommended!!
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