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PHIL davies author
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PHIL davies author
THe miracle that is israel
Registered ISBN Number: 978-0-9562673-9-9
Reviews, Comments & Endorsements... Potential readers always find it useful to see what those who have already read the book have to say about it. Here is a small selection of what our readers are saying about The Miracle that is Israel. We’d love to have your feedback too, so when you’ve read the book, please email us at reviews@phildaviesauthor.com
Nick & Val Huggins: We loved The Miracle that is Israel. Thank you Phil, for your publication of the truth! It is isn't what we hear in the media of course, but it is so well and clearly written, and the beautifully illustrated Biblical Prophecy section is something else! We weren't for example, aware of the rich history, and with everything portrayed so inspirationally and creatively the book takes you on a journey to some truly amazing revelation! A miracle indeed!!
Margarita Lewis: I've just read The Miracle that is Israel. It's excellent and by far the clearest presentation of God's covenant promises to Israel that I have ever read. It is a book for such a time as this, because many churches and pastors don't have Israel or even prophecy on the radar, and the anti-semitism in some churches is absolutely horrifying. Thank you Phil, for writing it!
Cynthia Evans: I enjoyed The Miracle that Is Israel so much I bought copies for my family. They were amazed to discover that the Bible predicts everything regarding Israel thousands of years ahead of time! Like me, they honestly couldn't put their book down and read it through in double-quick time. I was thrilled that they enjoyed it so much and it has sparked many conversations since. They really couldn't have enjoyed it more than they did!
John Richardson: The Miracle that is Israel is a much needed blast of truth, a book of seismic importance in these last days. It’s a light in a dark time where there’s such great disinformation and prejudice towards Israel. Thank you, Phil!
Val Jones: I received Phil’s amazing The Miracle that is Israel book yesterday, put it to one side ready to read on the weekend, but happened to pick it up to have a flick through and found myself immediately drawn into the narrative, so much so that I couldn't put it down until I was finished! It's just brilliant. There's no other word for it! I've always had a ‘thing’ for Israel but reading this book, complete with its beautiful illustrations, has had the effect of building my faith. The faithfulness of our God to his chosen people blessed me no end, as did the inevitable crash course in learning and insight! I really can’t thank Phil enough for all he's put into this book. I've obviously read one or more of the earlier editions, but current events post-7/10 led me to get this new 5th edition. I’m so glad I did! Taking it to church tomorrow!!
Miriam Getsel (Australia): Phil has a wonderful gift for writing and his amazing creative design skills helps make The Miracle that is Israel such a huge motivating force and tool. The presentation is so eye-catching - enlarged print, fabulous photos, neat style etc. It really is superb! There is such a huge need in the Australian Christian Community to be educated regarding Israel (Hosea 4:6). The Blessing is upon those that Bless Israel, and many people are unaware. The God of Israel has most certainly gifted Phil to be His Ambassador at this crucial time in History and we desperately need The Miracle that is Israel to be freely available here in Australia!!
Jon Taylor: The Miracle that is Israel is highly readable, very informative, and brilliantly illustrated. I work for a Jewish Mission and purchased several copies so that I could give them to Jewish friends. Some are Orthodox and have a great love for Israel, a few though, even doubt God's existence, while others hold a view along the lines that God created the world but doesn't really intervene in human events. The Miracle that is Israel has proved a very helpful item and has been well received by them all!
Bob Lillyman: The Miracle that is Israel is succinct, to the point, colourful, easy to read, and fully up to date. It gives an excellent overview of the current situation concerning Israel, and clearly demonstrates that the nation's existence can only be described as an amazing miracle. I must admit that it has been so useful to have copies of this book to hand to give to people who have been genuinely searching for answers regarding the current situation in Israel and, in each case, the book has been very well received by the recipients.
Tim Day (USA): I loved Phil’s new 5th edition of The Miracle that is Israel. It’s superb. Like previous editions – even more so – it is content rich, with wonderful inclusions of additional facts, narrative, and even more superb illustrations and photographs! Genuinely outstanding!!
Jilly Lyon Taylor: In these days of turmoil in the Middle East and so much anti-Israel sentiment, as well as distorted media coverage, it is so helpful to have such a clear and well-researched book that presents Biblical truth about Israel, as well as the historical background to its formation as a modern state and its right to exist. It is well-written and easy to read, with stunning illustrations! It has helped to bring revelation to the many people I've given copies to. I thoroughly recommend buying The Miracle that is Israel and passing it on to friends and family!!
Bob Andrews: Reading this book has opened my eyes to what is really happening in the Middle East. I especially loved the section explaining the Biblical history, while the section on Biblical prophecy was incredible! You hear people poo-poo the Bible, but this book has really brought home to me why the Bible is so unique and why God’s hand must be on Israel. It’s changed how I see lots of things and now, I interpret the nightly news in a completely different way! This really is a great book!!
Graham Jones: I was given a copy of Phil’s A5 brochure advertising his books and was drawn to the one about Israel. It said: ‘The Miracle that is Israel is guaranteed to improve your context forunderstanding the horrific events of October 2023 – Biblically, historically, politically, and topically’. After purchasing the book and reading it cover to cover, twice, I can testify that the claim is true! All true!! What a fabulous book!!
Chris Roden: When I was first shown a copy of The Miracle that is Israel, I was very impressed by the balanced way in which the subject of Israel is handled by author, Phil, free from political bias. The book is easy to read, gives the essential background to the modern state of Israel and provides an introduction to why Israel is God’s timepiece. I have already given a copy to all my immediate relatives. While people can be apathetic to the Gospel, it seems that many are willing to receive and consider a topical publication like The Miracle that is Israel. Books like this are essential to understanding the background to the rapidly developing and dangerous world situation.
Professor John Wibberley: The Miracle that is Israel is a splendidly presented and clear exposition of the facts - Biblical, historical, political, and of course, current. The plethora of Bible references as to God’s promises to, and about, Israel, invites prayer and praise and deepens one’s appreciation of Biblical realism, prophecy, and the future. It’s presented in an easy-to-read, landscape format, amply illustrated by superb colour photography and informative charts. I especially enjoyed the sections covering the political context, which is outlined concisely and poignantly, as well as the stunning portrayal of the overwhelming prominence of Jews in the arts, literature, peace, physics, chemistry, economics, medicine, engineering, and Israel’s agricultural progress since its Biblically-prophesied desolate condition in 1948. Excellent!
Rowland & Gail Roderick: The Miracle that is Israel is a key message for the age and, deserves to be broadcast far and wide. The facts, truth, and mountain of evidence is presented in such a compelling way as to challenge even the most sceptical or the hardest of hearts. The pointed questions pose a relentless challenge to the reader and the beautifully presented photos and illustrations help bring everything to life. We have sent copies to friends and family all over the world. They all love it!
Brian Clews: If ever there was evidence that God is not just a concept of times past, but is active in our days, The Miracle That Is Israel contains it!! Those already knowing God will not be surprised at its contents but be greatly uplifted. Those who have yet to find Him, should not miss this wonderful opportunity to do so!
Gordon Leveratt: I have long been a supporter of Israel in its struggle for survival, though not blind to the failings of successive governments with regard to Arab Palestinians. The basis of my support has been grounded in the Word of God, the knowledge that Jesus was a Jew and the inescapable conclusion that Israel is a special land; the Jews. a special people unlike any other in the sight of God. Regardless of what others might think or say, they will never lose that unique status. The Miracle that is Israel fleshes out in great detail, and with supportive and beautiful illustrations, much that I didn't know, and through it all, Phil weaves the prophetic word, stressing the vital importance that we believe the literal interpretation of Scripture, because in these last days, there is no time for smoke and mirrors, or the vague symbolism that liberal theology would have us put our faith in. It is difficult to imagine even the hardest cynic rejecting Christ in view of The Miracle that is Israel's remarkable presentation of God's prophetic fulfillment in and through Israel.
John Birch: Well designed with excellent illustrations and concise text, it clearly places Israel in the context of ancient Biblical history and modern history, as God's chosen nation. I bought copies for every member of our House Church, and we used it as a basis for study over some weeks. Everyone found it enlightening, thought-provoking and exciting. Highly recommended!
Ann Absalom: I really loved The Miracle that is Israel. Concise, succinct, and crystal clear...it is a wonderful witness to the greatness of God.
Ian Whitwood: With every point enhanced by superb photos, the author delivers his gripping defence testimony like a seasoned QC from the very first page!! It's hard to see how we, the jury of readers, could come to any verdict but 'Yes, God has His Hand on the nation of Israel!' Totally riveting and immensely thought-provoking throughout, The Miracle that is Israel concludes with the most compelling review of Biblical prophecy related to God’s promises to Israel and the Jewish people that I have ever seen!!
Simon & Melinda, Lord & Lady Reading: We can highly recommend The Miracle that is Israel. It has opened the eyes of so many people's hearts and minds to the wonders of the land of Israel. Full of incredible and beautiful photos and illustrations, it is bursting with fascinating facts on every page! It brings Israel to life and recognises the change of a land transformed into one overflowing with milk and honey!
Tim Day (USA): The Miracle that is Israel is an outstanding read. It brilliantly summarizes Israel’s history and the clear evidence of God’s Hand on His most favoured nation. I was totally gripped by the fact that God is so clearly up to something big in the restoration of Israel, and yet, the Church is yawning! Even though I had studied, and even taught on Israel’s history, I learned tons from this book!! God is setting the stage for the end of time and prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes. This book is a wake-up call to all believers to pay close attention. I could not lay it down and have now given many copies to friends and family.
Pastor John Whittle: Phil’s splendidly unique presentation is quite superb and truly blessed me! I spent many hours totally engrossed in the narrative, to a point where it’s like reading The Miracle that is Israel has saved going to visit by airmail! Seriously though, the finely balanced quotes and Biblical references, intricate and detailed information, and the uniquely comprehensive structure where every picture - literally - does tell a story, bringing everything vividly to life! Phil enters into the realms of wars, anti-Semitism, struggles, hatred and conflicts over the corridors of time... BUT GOD! Oh yes, but God has been with them throughout! In reading and reviewing this outstanding book, I have learned much, so I am delighted to commend and applaud Phil for his efforts to enlighten us with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So, HELP US GOD to receive and believe. Hallelujah, Glory to God!!
Mike Moore: I’ve read many books on Israel, and The Miracle that is Israel summarises everything in clear, concise readable English perfectly, making it ideal for giving to anyone not familiar with the history of Israel and the Jewish people. I’ve used many of its excellent catalogue of quotes in various PowerPoint presentations where I’ve taught the Book of Revelation to small groups and every time, people have asked if I’ve read The Miracle that is Israel. It deserves to be talked about and I recommend it heartily!
Pastor Rita Bota (New Zealand): I was totally blown away by The Miracle that is Israel. The incredible detail and fantastic photography makes for a potent and truly amazing combination. It has filled in many of the gaps in my knowledge of Israel's story. Israel is at the centre of history and His Story, and what happens there, affects the whole world! Phil, the author, has captured this so beautifully in this amazing book and it was a genuine thrill to read it!
MFTR (on Amazon): Superb from start to finish, with some it absolutely mind-blowing!
Pearl A. Coleman: I am almost 90, a journalist and former missionary, and this book, this anointed book – The Miracle that is Israel – has in a way, saved my life because finally, I have found the beautifully presented complete history of Israel that I have been searching for. I was so moved by it that I studied it intensely reading and re-reading the fascinating sections that were all so stunningly brought to life by the array of wonderful photographs. Never have I seen such a clear description of God’s chosen people, so full of truth, and so filled with hope. With deep heartfelt gratitude for this superbly illustrated masterpiece!
Bismark Agyapong (Ghana): I was so blessed by The Miracle that is Israel it is hard for me to put into words. I found it so informative and enlightening. God indeed has His Hand on Israel! God bless the author for this great work!
Paul Susman (Belgium): The Miracle that is Israel is really excellent and the author marvellously captures the very essence of the miracle that is happening before our eyes.
Tracey Martin: The Miracle that is Israel is by far the most impressive account of history, facts, and undeniable truths that I've ever come across on the subject of Israel. Like a courtroom case playing itself out on the pages before you, the reader is funnelled to a place of decision, and ultimately left with nowhere to hide! A truly incredible journey!!
Sandy Medway: The modern magazine style format helps the narrative come alive in a way that sometimes took my breath away. Absolutely brilliant start to finish!
Rose Vodden: The Miracle that is Israel is by far the most helpful account of Israel's history I have read to date, the concise easy to read, unique format packed with such amazing photos and illustrations just adding to its unique appeal!
Maggie Richards: The Miracle that is Israel is a real gem of a book that I honestly couldn't put down! It's so exciting and informative, it gives you no choice but to keep reading. I read it in one sitting!! I've bought many copies over the years and every single person I've given a copy to, has enjoyed it immensely. This applies to Phil's The Rapture of the Church, which is also really excellent. Yes, everyone loves Phil's books! I believe they are all anointed and I'm so looking forward to the next one - The 7-Year Tribulation. God has surely given Phil this mission!"
Phil & Margaret Daniell (Germany): The Miracle that is Israel clearly presents the history of Israel from its Biblical roots to its restoration as a modern state in a very graphic and attractive way, with a wealth of verifiable facts which establish the rights of the Jewish people to the land of Israel and their contribution to our world today. We highly recommend it to readers of all faiths and none who simply want the true story.
Carl Brettle: The Miracle that is Israel is without doubt and without exception, the best book to help anyone understand the significance of Israel, its place in God's heart and its centre-stage role in today's world. And in brilliantly pulling together the miraculous journey of Israel and the Jewish people in such a concise, detailed, and creative way, Phil has performed something of a miracle himself! Outstanding!!
Tim Potter: A real eye-opener of a book!! As a new learner when it comes to Israel, I found the style of writing and the magazine format enormously helpful. I thoroughly recommend it!
Eileen Podmore: I thought The Miracle that is Israel was a godsend! As an avid reader of all things Israel, I have not seen anything to compare with the succinct way in which the author gets the important facts across to the reader. Nor have I seen a more effective picture painted of God very much alive and active in fulfilling Biblical prophecy before our very eyes!!
John & Marion Best: An excellent and beautifully presented handbook about Israel, her people, her land, and her incredible history and future! Attractive, comprehensive, and very informative, it's the perfect gift both for those who know about this seriously relevant subject, and for those who don't too!!
Jill Edwards: My husband and I have been to Israel many times and, we pray for the nation and its leaders on a daily basis. The Miracle that is Israel perfectly encapsulates the amazing story of this tiny but supremely important country and there can be no doubt that the hand of God is impressively set out in this beautifully illustrated book.
Brenda Littler: What a superb book and so beautifully illustrated, the photos helping the narrative flow easily through the centuries and at every turn, helping it explode into life. I was so hugely impressed and informed by The Miracle that is Israel, that I decided to buy a dozen copies to give out to my Christian friends, many of whom don’t as yet fully understand the importance of Israel. I am grateful to Phil, the author, for his great efforts in producing this gem of a book.
Andrew Dobbins: I was very impressed with The Miracle that is Israel and felt that the sections on the prophetic and on Israel's Biblical foundations and context were absolutely outstanding!
Jackie Perrett: I found The Miracle that is Israel totally intriguing and very, very informative. So vividly does it bring to life the various Old Testament prophecies concerning Israel, that it had me reaching for my Bible! An exciting faith-booster!!
Jane Woodford: Factual, succinct, easy to read, and beautifully illustrated; a must-read for anyone interested in knowing the truth about the origins, continued existence, and contribution of the only truly democratic state in the Middle East.
Graham James: The Miracle that is Israel is superb and should be mandatory reading for all Christians and anyone with even a passing interest in obtaining the truth about Israel in the midst of so much lies and misinformation.
Isle of Wight (on Amazon): This is a must-have book on the formation of the State of Israel. Excellent analysis, carefully written and illustrated. A great reference book and historically accurate!
Lynn Hotton: I scored The Miracle that is Israel as 10 out of 10 in every single area... attractive & easy-to-read, dynamic & gripping, informative & educational, useful & uplifting, convincing & faith-building, and so very positive in a very chaotic world! Above all, it's the most powerful testament to the truth I've ever seen; the truth that Israel was a miracle, is a miracle, and has a future that involves the miraculous!!!
Jill Gibson: Phil has done an amazing work in this concise and highly readable book which ought to be available in every church. He draws together Biblical prophecy and its fulfilment, history, and fascinating facts to show how – sadly, contrary to much opinion - Israel blesses the world, and why it is central in unfolding world events. It motivates prayer and should cause us to question the accuracy and impartiality of many news reports.
Peter Morralee: What a brilliant book, very informative and proof of God’s grace upon the nation of Israel and the Jewish people. It was so inspiring that I bought copies to give to friends, and it speaks volumes that their feedback is all positive!
Eric Bignall: This book gives a clear and concise account of the development of Israel. Well written and beautifully illustrated, covering her Biblical roots and fulfilment of prophecy alongside amazing victories when the odds were so heavily stacked against her!
Fiona Davies: Meticulously researched and written with a deep passion and insight, The Miracle That’s Israel powerfully presents the historical and contemporary evidence for Israel’s centrality to God’s plans and purposes. Clear, comprehensive, challenging, and amazingly well-presented – it is very much a must-read in every respect!
Alistair Barton: Packing a huge amount of detail into a relatively small book, Phil brilliantly captures the amazing miracle that is Israel. I've given copies to friends, and they've all loved it!
Dai Franks: I cannot recommend Phil’s book, The Miracle That’s Israel highly enough. His meticulous research clearly demonstrates that the formation of the State of Israel in 1948 was the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy concerning The Children of Israel from their beginnings to the present day. The continued existence of the State of Israel amidst the chaos of the current world is testimony to the fact that “God is working His purposes out as year succeeds to year!
Claire Wilcox: The Miracle that is Israel is nothing less than a masterpiece! It couldn’t be more timely and with congregations all over the country seemingly asleep to the antisemitism of these days, it is desperately needed. We are in a Truth War, a battle for the truth, and this is a book that declares truth after truth!
Sue Davey: I was given The Miracle that is Israel as a gift by a good friend who highly recommended it. It was so gripping that I couldn't put it down and ended up devouring it in one sitting!! It was exactly what I needed to give me a detailed overview of Israel's history, improving my understanding of the recent horrific events in Israel. The book prompted some questions from visitors as it sat on my coffee table and I do think the book's size and front cover encouraged this. Having read it and reflected on its contents, my overriding thought is that some, maybe all, the journalists that are reporting on the Middle East situation would certainly benefit from reading this outstanding book!
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