666... mark of the beast
  • 666... mark of the beast
  • 666... mark of the beast
  • 666... mark of the beast
  • 666... mark of the beast
  • 666... mark of the beast

666... mark of the beast

An epic political thriller that takes you hurtling into the end-times.
666 MARK OF THE BEAST charts the meteoric rise of Duscha Bozdar, the messiah-like leader of Europe. Seemingly irresistible, obstacles evaporate at his feet until there’s just one thing stood in his way: Chester Pendrill, the forty-fifth President of the United States.
The chemistry’s intense, but their titanic clash didn’t start with politics; it started with a secret, a secret that couldn’t have been more intimate or more personal.
For Bozdar it all somehow appears to be a game. For Pendrill, there’s a strange and sinister familiarity to his rival that constantly unnerves him. As Bozdar’s globalist agenda gains an irresistible momentum, Pendrill becomes ever more resolved that he must oppose him and stand with Israel, no matter what.
The moment of reckoning is inevitable and this time, it’s the big one: the place where prophecy becomes reality as history, the present, and the future converge.
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From the front of the book...

“A united Europe doesn’t need another committee. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all  people and lift us from the morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man. Be he God or the Devil, we will receive him.”

Paul-Henri Spaak (1949)

During a glittering political career, Paul-Henri Spaak was a key figure in creating the European Common Market, the first President of the European Parliament, the first President of the United Nations General Assembly, three times Prime Minister of Belgium and Secretary-General of NATO.



In 1949, global statesman Paul-Henri Spaak, widely acknowledged as the Founding Father of the European Union, said: “A united Europe needs a man of stature . . . and be he God or the Devil, we will receive him”.

Spaak's hope would eventually become the world's gift... 

666 mark of the beast is an epic journey into the end-times; a heady mix of conspiracy, ambition, manipulation, ego, and global politics so sinister as to be beyond the realms of even the darkest imagination.

History bears testimony to the power of the individual but never has our world seen the likes of Duscha Bohdan Bozdar. Outrageously handsome and ultra-charismatic, Bozdar is a politician with his sights ruthlessly set on the very top of global politics, even if that very top has never existed before.

A man seemingly without a past, he arrives from nowhere with all the attributes of a political superstar and with access to a support infrastructure that is out of this world, literally.

Set in the near-future, 666....mark of the beast is an epic journey into the end-times; a story of not one super-power but two as it charts the inevitable birth of the United States of Europe. More importantly, it follows the meteoric rise of the man destined to lead it; the man with the apparent ability to do the impossible and deliver peace to mankind.

What look like insurmountable obstacles evaporate at his feet until there’s just one thing stood in his way; his name is Chester Pendrill, America’s forty-fifth President.

Pendrill is the real deal. Shrewd, wise and innately good, his is a character formed on strong values and principle. But unlike his nemesis, Pendrill has a past; a painful past that hides a dark secret.

From the moment Bozdar does the impossible and reconstitutes the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Pendrill is persuaded to enter the political arena by a billionaire friend, the two men are set on a collision course.

The chemistry is intense, both men aware their destinies are inextricably entwined. But the clash of cosmic proportions didn’t start with politics; it started with the secret, a secret that couldn’t have been more intimate or more personal.  

For Bozdar it all somehow appears to be a game. For Pendrill, there’s a strange and sinister familiarity to his rival that constantly unnerves him. As Bozdar’s globalist agenda gains an irresistible momentum, Pendrill becomes ever more resolute that he must oppose him, even if it means America isolating itself from a world enthralled by the messiah-like “Man of Peace”.

The moment of reckoning is inevitable. But the Doomsday scenario, like the deceit and malevolent darkness that energizes it, was beyond human understanding; because it was beyond human. There would be no repeat of the Cold War nor would the world’s two most charismatic leaders cross swords in World War Three. This time it’s the big one; the place where prophecy becomes reality as history, the present and future converge.




DESTINY – Nature or Nurture?

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CONFRONTATION – Agendas of Highest Office

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TURNAROUND – Twenty-three Months Later

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COUNTDOWN – Winner Take All