Old Testament BIBLE HEROES
In a chaotic and broken world, with quality role models hard to find, Phil turns to his favourite legendary figures of the Old Testament, spotlighting some of the lessons they can teach us about life, leadership, and ourselves, especially our relationship with God.
They were all used by God despite their imperfections, flaws, mistakes, and sin. In their daring exploits and humanity, they have challenged, inspired, and encouraged Phil for over three decades.
This is your chance to see the Old Testament Bible Heroes as you've never seen them before... up close and personal!
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From the front of the book...
How would you respond if you were asked "What would you try for God if you knew you couldn't fail?"
When this 12-word question was put to me on 5th July 2002, it was like a grenade exploded in my head! It was 'a God moment' that changed my life forever. My answer was Sporting Marvels - a vision for the Rhondda Valleys of Wales - with a mission to put a positive Christian role model, in front of every kid, every day, forever, until Jesus returns.
At the time, I was Communications Director at Newport Rugby. I loved my job, was paid loads, and we were absolutely flying. But I believed in the dream so much, that I walked away from rugby and haven't taken a salary or any form of remuneration since. I was in, all-in, trying to make a difference and be a catalyst to transformation, with the Great Commission as the bullseye.
The 2001 National Census statistics were current news back then, and in the 'religion' section of the Census form, those who ticked the 'Christian' box, were asked if they 'regularly attended church', which in the supplemental notes, was defined as '10 times-a-year or more'. At .9 of 1% (9 people per 1000) Rhondda had the lowest proportion of population 'regularly' attending church in the entire UK! Yet, 90 years previous, in 1911, Rhondda apparently had more places of Christian worship per square mile than any other place on the planet! Talk about a fall from grace and having a steep hill to climb!!
The mission has always been 'impossible', never been easy, but since March 2020, it's like we're under siege, with every single thing in our society - both local and national - seeming to flow, at ever-escalating speed, in the opposite direction to us. In such adverse circumstances, all you can do is press on, trying to be the best you can be, where you are, with what you've got - aiming to give God something to work with - before trusting Him with the rest.
One of the key ways we press on, is through our Mighty Marvels Programme, where we teach nearly 900 Year 5 and Year 6 kids in our partner primary schools (ages 9-11). The Christmas Term teaching module is called 'Old Testament Heroes', where we teach most of the 'heroes' featured in this book. Part of the way I serve the ministry is by doing all the design work, which includes the teaching resources, lesson powerpoints etc. It was while rejigging the Old Testament Heroes curriculum in early 2019, that I first had an inkling that I would one day, write this book. Though I worked on stuff from time to time thereafter, I didn't get the necessary 'confirmation' until the autumn of 2024. When it came, I dived in, went to work, and absolutely loved every single minute of the research, compilation, and writing process.
Their daring exploits and monumental achievements can easily make my 15 Old Testament Bible Heroes seem like super-human. But when you get up close and personal, they were much more like us that we tend to think: imperfect, flawed, prone to making mistakes and bad choices, and constantly susceptible to sinning. Yet, despite their imperfections, maybe because of them, they all ended up being mightily used by God. Each in their own way, especially their story and legacy, has challenged, inspired, and encouraged me for over three decades, and though I'm not sure how, I've honestly come to view a number of them as almost personal friends! Sounds odd I know, but hey...
One of the key reasons for this, is that I've always found them so easy to identify with. When I was in my 'search' period immediately prior to my salvation, I didn't need anyone to tell me I was a sinner. Every part of my life was out of control, immoral, and some bits were even illegal. Then after being saved, having so much baggage made me feel unworthy, like I could never meet what I saw and interpreted as a holy enough standard. It held me back for a while, my past trying its best to undermine my future. As I plotted my fightback, the Old Testament Bible Heroes came alive to me as role models, helping me become resolutely determined not to blow the amazing chance that God, in His grace and mercy, had given me. As I studied them in turn over a period of several years, I'd be awe of their 'achievement', marvel at the way they overcame their own weaknesses and shortcomings, and then - because I was 'a marketing man' - I'd think up a short tag-line for each, that wasn't always complimentary. Here's a few I still remember... David - "Yeah, he's big, but I'll have a go!" Moses - "No way, I can't; I'm not up to it!" Elijah - "Please, just let me die!" Elisha - "I'm going to be twice as good as the boss!" Jonah - "No chance; I can't; I won't. I'm off!" Joshua - "No excuses; whatever it takes!" Daniel - "Character counts. Here Kitty, Kitty!" Esther - "Out the way. If I die, I die!" Jacob - "Go on, eat it. You're starving!" Joseph - "Injustice? It won't knock me off course!"
Even now, they still have the power to make me chuckle!
As you can tell, the fact these Biblical legends have had such profound influence on my life makes it all very personal to me. The various sections aren't intended to be finite and forensic studies on each 'hero', because it would take an entire book to do each of them justice. Rather, each section is meant to be a thought-provoking, personal insight into their incredible lives and stories, where I spotlight, up close and personal, some of the lessons they can teach us about life, leadership, and especially, about our own relationship with God.
If you've read any of my books, you’ll know my style. I try to present my case in a straightforward manner so that you, the reader, can reach your own conclusions. That said, however, I want to urge you to have your Bible to hand as you read, and most important of all, let me encourage you to invite the Holy Spirit to speak to you throughout, and to focus your attention on what it is that He wants you to understand and take on board for your own life.
I hope and pray you'll enjoy My Old Testament Bible Heroes... up close and personal and that you'll be mightily blessed by it...