The Miracle that is Israel
The story of the nation of Israel and the Jewish people is totally without parallel in all of human history; a real-life miracle that will amaze you, challenge you, encourage you, and build your faith.
When modern-day Israel was born in a single day - on 14th May 1948 - the impossible became reality. It was the cornerstone prophetic event of the last two thousand years and was somehow predicted and foretold over and over by the Old Testament prophets.
The Jews are the only ancient people group to survive through to modern times, yet paradoxically, they are history's most persecuted people. Despite Israel's unique challenges and the murderous threats of her enemies, the tiny nation continues to thrive. Is God involved and is the story of Israel and the Jewish people really a miracle? Well, it’s time to explore the evidence and decide for yourself...
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From the front of the book...
...Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem...
While this is the 5th edition of The Miracle that is Israel, it is the first since 7th October 2023, a date that will forever live in infamy.
That day, Hamas terrorists 'invaded' southern Israel, killing over 1200 people in all. They executed parents in front of their children, children in front of their parents; they burned people alive, raped women, and beheaded babies. In addition, 250 people were abducted and taken hostage, 133 of whom are still unaccounted for at the time of writing.
It was sickening and sadistic, the terrorists high on drugs, live-streaming a myriad of heinous atrocities from their iPhones with a brazen gleefulness that was as gross as it was incomprehensible.
In every way, it was a hate-filled, demonically inspired, orgiastic glorification of pure evil. It was also a declaration of war, a war that Israel didn't want, didn't ask for, and didn't start.
Though the level of malevolence was a shock, the attack itself was anything but, because at one level or another, Israel has been in constant existential crisis for over 75 years.
Surrounded by nations bent on wiping Israel off the face of the map, conquering Jerusalem as they do so, the events of 7/10 and all that's followed as a consequence, has taken the Middle East to the brink of all-out war. Though emotions run high and anti-Semitic sentiment is everywhere, the core issue is not people's feelings, opinions, beliefs, or prejudices. It goes much deeper than that because we're actually living in an era where Bible prophecy is being fulfilled and played out in real time, before our very eyes.
As we'll see, Israel's remarkable and unique story is inextricably entwined with Biblical prophecy. Israel's history, its people, its rebirth, its survival against the odds, and indeed, its very future, are all working to God's prophetic timeline.
‘Can a nation be born in a day?’ (Isaiah 66:8) was a question posed, circa 700BC, by the Old Testament prophet Isaiah. Some 2,650 years later, on 14th May 1948, his prophecy was miraculously fulfilled when the present-day nation State of Israel was born... in a day!
It is impossible to understand the story of Israel and the Jewish people outside of the Biblical perspective and spiritual dimension, because Israel is special to God, by covenant.
If you think I’m exaggerating, consider this: no nation in history has ever been conquered and driven from its land, only to return at a later date. None. Yet the Jews have done it twice, thousands of years apart. Think about that for a second... How do you even begin to explain something so uniquely miraculous, outside of God?
Yes, Israel's story is unparalleled in all of human history. It flies in the face of 'impossible', underlining the truth of Luke 1:37, that nothing is impossible with God. That the Jewish people could remain a 'nation' prior to 1948, was impossible; that the State of Israel could be born in a day, was also impossible; and thriving the way it has since 1948, equates to nothing less than Israel doing the impossible.
So, as you read The Miracle that is Israel, I want you to ponder two key questions:
Does God have His hand on Israel and does He have an interest in the welfare of Israel and the Jewish people?
In my view, the evidence is crystal clear, pointing unequivocally to a “yes” on both counts. The Miracle that is Israel is my effort, therefore, to present the facts - Biblical and otherwise - in a highly readable way, calling on my legal training to search out the evidence and present it in a straightforward manner so that you, the reader, can reach your own conclusions and come to a verdict.
I hope and pray you'll enjoy The Miracle that is Israel and be mightily blessed by it...
Phil Davies, May 2024
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you. Peace be within your walls, Prosperity within your palaces.” Psalm 122:6-7