The Rapture of the Church
Stunningly and uniquely presented, Phil showcases his compelling evidence-based case for the reality of the Rapture, contending that all true believers, whether dead or alive at the time of Christ’s coming, will ’be caught up together… in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air’ - 1 Thess 4:17.
The Rapture of the Church will inspire you with hope, build your faith, and most of all, ensure that you are not left behind! As our chaotic and broken world hurtles headlong into unchartered waters, the time has come for you to explore the evidence and decide for yourself.
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From the front of the book...
...Even so, come Lord Jesus...
Imagine one of the top football clubs winning the Premiership title. Imagine them putting together a short video to celebrate and commemorate the achievement. They’d feature the team’s great tackles, pin-point passes, amazing saves by the goalkeeper, and most of all, of course, they’d showcase the very best goals, especially the most significant ones.
Now, imagine one last thing... imagine they decided to leave the goals out. That’s probably a step too far - for your imagination or mine - because everyone knows it simply couldn’t or wouldn’t happen. Why? Well, because football isn’t football without goals!
This sporting scenario is one I think, that is very pertinent to much of Christianity. The Rapture of the Church, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, the overwhelming defeat of the Antichrist and Satan, the Second Coming of Christ, the 1000-Year Millennial Kingdom on Earth... are all metaphorically speaking, God’s ‘winning goals’. And yet somehow, they seem to have been left out of Christianity’s highlights reel.
Maybe it’s because we Christians have been so focused on the good news of the Gospel, that we’ve all but overlooked the great news of the Gospel.
What Jesus did for us on the cross was totally immense. Of course, it was. But salvation was never meant to be the end of anything; it was always intended to be the beginning of everything... the means to the end, rather than the end itself. It’s why Jesus uses terminology that describes Himself as ‘the gate’, ‘the door’, ‘the way’ etc. But gateway or doorway to what? To a more productive and purposeful life on Earth for sure, but also to being part of the Rapture; to being invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb; to serving Him during His Millennial Reign on Earth; and beyond even that, to sharing eternity with Him forever and ever.
Salvation is the ‘ticket’ that wins us the invite, so its importance isn’t just pivotal, it’s quite literally life-changing. It’s the ultra-personal, individual moment; the very climax of free will.
The event can be momentous (mine certainly was - a wretch saved by grace) but its far-reaching consequences are so massively huge, that we are somehow, gifted a role in God’s big-picture plan for the end-times, the once-and-for-all Victory of victories, and all that comes after it. It’s as staggering as it is mind-blowing and like I said, it’s all been downplayed in Christian circles virtually everywhere, to a point where it’s almost become Christianity’s best-kept secret!
The End Times in Focus series is my attempt to do what I can to address this ‘oversight’, and my goal is to do so in a way that’s highly readable and not in the least bit intimidating. If you’ve read The Miracle that is Israel or Combatting Fear, you’ll know my style. I don’t set out to create an academic treatise or scholarly theological tome, for I am neither academic, nor scholar, nor theologian. I try to present the Biblical facts as clearly as I can, calling on my legal training to search the evidence and present it in a straightforward manner so that you, the reader, can reach your own conclusions and come to a verdict.
Given that God has chosen to give us a clear picture of the various components of His end-times plan, rather than its precise and intricate detail, this book - and the others in the series - is my interpretation of how I think His plan will likely unfold. That said, however, I want to urge you to have your Bible to hand as you read, and to cross-check absolutely everything. In addition, and most important of all, let me encourage you to invite the Holy Spirit to speak to you as you read, and to focus your attention on what it is that He wants you to understand, and to take on board.
Ultimately, my hope and prayer is that the central message of this book and indeed, the entire series, will be totally unmissable: it really is time to get ready!!
Phil Davies, March 2019
P.S. As this book was going to print, Hamas terrorists launched a sickening and sadistic attack on the civilian population of southern Israel, killing over 1400 men, women, children, and babies. Heinous and evil, it is also a sign of the end-times. Publication was delayed for a couple of weeks so that I could add the new 4-page section on pages 80/83.
“I believe that this world as we know it, will come to an end… This is not fanciful imagination but the clear and repeated testimony of the Bible.”